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How to Prepare for 100% Result in NEET Exam?

NEET or national entrance eligibility test is one of the most followed one where around millions of aspirants appear every year and prepare for it. The irony of the exam is that despite being acquainted with the fact that the govt. Seats are very much analogous to a single drop of the entire ocean, but still, the zeal to be a doctor keeps on driving students like you.

So no one can motivate you better than yourself. You have to put that energy by yourself. If you are thinking of getting above 90% in all subjects, then your preparation strategy should be the smart one. NEET syllabus is very vast and detailed so try to cover each and everything with a rational pace so that you get multiple times revision opportunities. The most important demand is to avoid negative marking in the exam and for that your strategy must be smart enough that while doing the questions your answer should already be there in your head so that you just need reassurance from your options to have a proofreading of your answer just like your DNA does each time while doing the central dogma!

How to Score in NEET?

  • If you score less than 140 correct answer, your chances are very low

  • If you attempt 145-155 questions, your    accuracy % should not be less than 95%

  • If you attempt 155-160 questions, your accuracy% should not be  less than 90%

  • This table reveals that 170-175 questions should be attempted with more than 85% accuracy to be safe and to have a higher rank with more than 90% accuracy.

Strategy For NEET Exam!

Many students are getting through these exams and securing good ranks due to our (teacher-student) hard work and their sincerity to accept my guidance whole heartedly. The one who were extraordinary but unguided could not meet the target. Dear young friends, now please go through what our teacher feels to suggest you for different subjects. Going through the recent statistics, the number of seats in govt. medical colleges have been increased and parallel to it the age criteria for the exams also doesn’t exist any more. So it’s a clear cut throat competition where several multitude verticals of yours are required to be the one who got the seat .

An extraordinary, but without guidance, could not achieve the goal. Now take a look at how our teacher feels to suggest another subject. Looking at the latest statistics, it is the number of seats in the government. Medical colleges have been increased and parallel to it the age criteria for the exams also doesn’t exist any more. So, it's a clear competition that requires multiple industries to take place. 

Understand the topic in detail and save time to try more and more practice tests as you do exercises. These tips add a dimension to your preparation, whether you're in 12th grade or stop a session for an exam. You can also join the NEET Coaching Classes for proper preparation or do study on your own depending on your requirement. I hope you like this blog and it will help you to get through the exam to mould your dream into reality of entering into this medical profession as THE HIGHEST ENTITY – “DOCTOR”.  

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